In this article you are going to learn everything about branded signature design and why a brand signature is essential for every company that wants to effectively bind its customers.
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Brand Signature: How to Capture the Essence of Your Business in a Few Simple Letters

We all know that there are a lot of marketing tools that can boost your business. But have you considered the least obvious but perhaps the most accessible tool that absolutely anyone can use?

Here we will discuss the power of letters and how they can be a life-changing decision for your brand.


What Is a Brand Signature?

Examples of Impressive Brand Signatures

How Do I Find My Signature Brand Style?

All the Ways You Can Use Your Brand Signature to Boost Your Marketing

How Do I Create a Branded Signature?

Conclusion: The Importance of Signature Branding


What Is a Brand Signature?

Every brand out there has a person behind – or a group of people. Oftentimes, a brand is like a pet – very similar to its owner. But just as we can spot one bright face out of a crowd of strangers, the same goes for brands. Some are more prominent than others.

There's something "extraordinary" about those names, something that strikes us as unseen or unheard of. And this goes hand in hand with a brand signature. But what does this term refer to?

A brand signature, in a broader sense, is a unique method of brand representation. Growing out of a brand's identity, a brand signature comes in multiple varieties – visuals, sounds, the technique for connecting with the audience, and the brand's philosophy. It's a remarkable feature that repeats itself as a pattern on every level of communication. Call it the brand's soul or essence, and you won't be too far from the truth.

Though brand audio signatures are quite popular, according to FinancesOnline, logos are the most recognizable brand identifiers. Therefore, we're going to focus on the visual side here.

Why Is a Brand Signature Important?

Simply put, a brand signature is a tool to get that "wow" effect that will occupy a viewer's mind for a fraction of a second longer than a competitor's logo will. Often this can be achieved through images and sounds, catchy slogans, or original videos. It can even be a special way of communicating with the audience. 

But why are brand signatures so vital for business? There are many reasons, but the key points are:

  1. Recognition. When you go shopping in an online marketplace, you know how many similar and no-name brands offer the same item. Which one will you choose? The one with the most positive reviews? Or something that already exists in your memory? The review trick works if you know a brand's reputation or are at least familiar with the name. If not – then how do you know that the reviews are real? Besides, it saves so much time if you can add something to your cart without having to recheck it.

  2. Sales. Clearly, as something no company should be without, brand signatures are a way to stay in the spotlight. When correctly defined, a signature gains an association with your product. This boosts brand recognition and, logically, leads to trust. Potential customers will much more easily convert into paying clients if they trust the company. Potential customers will much more easily convert into paying clients if they trust the company. But it's not all about short-term gain.

  3. First impression. We already mentioned that brands are a lot like people. And just like with people, it's so difficult to recall all the new names after the first introduction! Consider a bit of psychology here: some people dress to impress, behave in a certain manner, or speak in a very distinctive tone. Whether you like them or not doesn't really matter – they're stuck in your memory. 

  4. The right audience. We never really grasp the chemistry between people, nor can we understand it with brands. The fact is, some things attract the audience much better than others. Today, we can rely on marketing research to recreate a successful message. Even so, there's never a 100% effective formula to hit the same target twice, but as long as your brand signature is consistent with your values, you'll gain faithful followers much more quickly.

  5. Reputation. A brand signature is a way to achieve brand immortality. Certainly, it depends on your business plan and goals, but if we are speaking of playing long-term – it is a definite elixir of eternal life. Look at the old brands: Coca-Cola, Ford, Levi's, Nestle, Ferrero, Jim Beam, and Channel are still safe and sound, even though their founders are long gone. Each of the brands brings its own association, and even when reading the name, you can already feel a certain emotion attached to it. 

Certainly, your signature can be your logo. And not only that, in fact, many of the most remarkable brand logos feature a signature, often the one of the company's founder.

Can My Signature Be My Logo?

As we speak of brands' distinctive features, the idea of a logo comes naturally. It's a symbolic expression of a brand signature and a beaten path to being noticed. From the moment we are born, our brains are better at grasping images and symbols than they are at reading text. 

A simple, effective, and free marketing tool that every person on this planet has is a signature. This can also become a part of a brand signature concept. So, when it comes to personal brands, it's almost second nature to include your signature in your logo or to use it as a logo itself. 

In that case, though, the signature must be carefully designed. Each of the details has to speak for your character and style. The best investment you can make at this stage of your business is to contact signature designers who will work out your individual letter combination. 

Weren't you aware that such services exist? Google Artlogo – and see how fascinating it is to have a handwritten signature logo.

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Examples of Impressive Brand Signatures

As was mentioned, pictures impress us more than words. So, let's explore the world of brand signatures and how information is conveyed through logos and slogans. Here, we share some company signature examples – from small businesses to huge corporations.

Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer’s brand signature can actually be heard: many of us remember that roaring lion. And even if you’re seeing it for the first time, you can’t help but notice such a dynamic image that radiates strength and affluence. At the same time, its cinematic attributes hint that this is not the brand signature of a zoo. 

The famous Disney logo is actually Walt Disney’s personal signature. The image is strongly connected with animation thanks to the styling used in the lettering. It’s almost like saying – hey, we do art work here. 

Charlotte Cafe is a great example of how brand signatures can benefit small businesses. The picture behind the text definitely has a coffee aroma – and a peaceful green background. The image even hints that there's a freshly baked croissant waiting for the viewer. Who wouldn't want to have such a good morning? 

Ferrari’s brand signature speaks louder than words: even if you’re not a Top Gear fan, you can see that the brand is originated in Italy and has something to do with speed and the drive for success. 

Lacoste has chosen a more original animal for its brand signature – a crocodile. This was a historic decision since the founders’ nickname was Crocodile. And although the signature itself is quite simple, that little green reptile speaks of calm power and the ability to take life under one’s control. 

Glitter Girls Beauty’s brand signature speaks about its purpose clearly: the tail of the writing is beautifully curved into lips, and yet it has strong lines that show experience and confidence. It is well-combined with a background image that adds a feminine touch to the logo. 

The Harry Potter universe is well-known around the world. And the brand signature promises us adventure, turmoil, action, and fantasy, all at the same time. The sharp lines of the text and its 3-D nature convey that spirit instantly.

Chiara Boutique is a shamelessly holiday-like picture that makes us want to book a flight to the seaside. The atmosphere is supported by a signature that hints at clothes for a good summer vacation - with swimming suits, straw hats, and pareos.

Gibson, a guitar brand, used to have a more calligraphic signature. It changed to a modern look after World War II. It shows simplicity, quality and confidence – and we believe it, as famous artists like John Lennon and Jimi Hendrix were clutching those guitars while playing their best songs.

Those brand signature examples are just a few of many, but you can already feel the strength of a company here. 

How Do I Find My Signature Brand Style?

Marketing tools that border closely on art are numerous. Creative signatures are an example of such. To apply them correctly, you will have to define your personal brand signature style. This is a time-consuming but creative task. 

Follow the following steps to get there ASAP. 

  1. Consider your goals and values – what is your brand here for, and what does it stand for? 

  2. What is your target audience, what does your average customer look like, how do they think, and what are their dreams/fears?

  3. How can you be of help to your target audience?

  4. Whom are you competing against? Who is the best in your sphere?

  5. What are your advantages in your chosen niche? How can you be unique there?

Use a piece of paper to write down your ideas. The more you work on this, the faster you will get the best signature for your logo. 

Try visualizing the points in that list that are suitable for that. For instance, when thinking about how you can be unique, you can imagine your brand at the peak of its success. 

  • What makes it special for you?

  • Why is it captivating? 

Start at the end – and then unfold that timeline back to the present to see the steps you can take.

With a ready concept in your mind, it will be much easier to find a matching design solution for your brand.

We hope that with our instructions it will already be a little easier for you to find your personal signature brand style.

We hope that with our instructions it will already be a little easier for you to find your personal signature brand style.

Handcrafted by us, inspired by you and your business

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What Makes a Brand Identity?

Brand identity is a fingerprint for your business that has to stay consistent, no matter what it comes into contact with – emails, letters, public appearances, corporate culture, or product packaging.

It's a quintessence of your beliefs, values, promises, and aims. This is reflected in a brand's tone of voice, logo colors, sounds (if any), marketing campaigns, and writing style. The customer experience that you provide has to be based on that as well.

Here are the key elements of brand identity:

  1. Your promises to the world. This is something special that you do for your audience. For instance, Apple promises unique products that will help its users have a brand-new experience (Think Different).

  2. How you position your brand. This refers to how you will communicate your promise to your target audience so they can identify your category. In the case of Apple, they show how innovative they are. They are customer experience-oriented and constantly strive for better designs. That demonstrates their technical expertise to their audience and communicates quality.

  3. Your brand performance. This is how you're going to fulfill your promise. It can usually be achieved through a customer journey. Apple, once again, puts effort into underlining the unique way its items can be purchased and used.

Of course, a huge part of brand identity is conveyed through visual solutions, such as website design, product design, logo, icons, and much more.

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Brand Image vs. Brand Identity

Though brand image and brand identity might seem like closely related terms, this isn't the case. There's a difference in the perspective.

  • Brand identity is very much like your own identity. You define it and work on its fulfillment – create a logo and a message, and think through your content. It is the core on which every marketing activity is based.

  • Brand image is connected to the outer world: how people see your brand, their associations, and the customer experience. 

Should we remind you that what people think of us rarely corresponds with how we define ourselves?

The same goes for a brand: it's important to collect feedback from the audience to understand what image you have in the public eye.

This is because what you consider a brilliant ad may cause annoyance. Think of the Dove advertisement back in 2017 that was focused on body positivity and was perceived as racist by the audience.

Besides, in a digital age, companies get reviews that might not be complimentary, or you could even become something that people laugh at. Oftentimes, if a logo design gets a sneer, it can easily fail! 

What Is an Example of Brand Image?

As we have seen, brand image is how people see a product. And though the company has less control over it, it still can affect opinions through various tools such as marketing, design, and user experience. 

Let's look at the names we know to see how brand image works:

  • Coca-Cola is a product that is often seen in signature brands lists. Coca-Cola convinced us that it brings us vibes of happiness, joy, and positivity, whether you're in a group, with someone special, or alone. 

  • Lacoste has a famous brand signature that promises elegance and convenience at the same time. It is famous for its little green crocodile. The creature represents power and luxury (crocodile skin is extremely expensive). At the same time, the Crocodile was the brand founder's nickname. Back then, Rene Lacoste was a tennis player. 

  • Rolex has an image of luxury, high social status, and wealth. In a way, this accessory lets you represent yourself in an elegant and stylish fashion. 

  • Disney has a strong association with happiness, magic, and fun. Walt Disney was a smart marketer when he embarked on creating an amusement park dedicated to his company. This way, people could connect with adventures not only through cartoons but also through real-life experiences.

  • Zara has an image of an accessible shop where anyone can find the most fashionable items even though other shops don't have them yet. It is also associated with beauty and functionality. 

What Is a Brand's Signature Story?

Usually, you have a lot to say about your brand, and you don't want to present information in bullet points. A brand's signature story will be an ideal solution for you. 

How does it work? A signature story of a brand is similar to a case study and storytelling in content marketing, with the difference that it tells a kind of legend about the company.

It has all the key elements of a good story:

  • It's engaging; 

  • It has a culmination point; 

  • It has a main hero; 

  • It is authentic;

  • It is strategic.

We often see ads with background information about a company: Lindt talked about its chocolatiers, KFC – about Colonel Sanders, and Nike about Michael Jordan. When included in video ads, a company has barely 30 seconds to tell its tale. Even so, a few lines and some visuals are enough to sympathize.

And here's the crucial ingredient: all the stories have to have an emotional impact and convey the brand values to the audience in order to be successful. 

You also will notice that such stories have a positive impact on corporate culture, making it easier for staff to relate to the legend they hear.

Just imagine having a story complete with a perfect logo, and a brand that seems alive, deep, and worthy of sticking with.

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All the Ways You Can Use Your Brand Signature to Boost Your Marketing

With a brand signature being indispensable for marketing triumph, let's see how we can use it. And you'll be impressed by how much you can do with just one handwritten signature design:

  • Email signature branding: make your emails memorable in a second! Just by adding an email signature that is consistent with your brand, you will create a professional image for your company. By the way – do you already know our free email signature generator?

  • Digital Watermark: a stylish way to mark your work to protect it from being copied. With an aesthetic signature and a matching background, it will become a catchy digital business card that won't get lost in social media feeds. Of course, we also have a free watermark generator app for you.

  • Video intro: add a brand signature to your video content to associate it with your persona. As we know, a combination of images and sounds works great together.

  • Business card: one of the ways to expand your brand signature is to use custom business cards. Make sure the paper is thick enough, so the card will be durable in someone's pocket.

  • Branded tags with a logo and signature are some of the greatest ideas for small businesses. Add a phone number or email address so the client can get back to you even if the item with a branded tag was present. It also works great if you're an aspiring fashion designer and need a fashion brand signature to create the image of a maestro. 

  • Branded company stationery will be attractive enough to hand out to partners and potential clients. A simple pen with your logo might serve as a trigger to call you! Also, for employees, it will create a sense of belonging.

  • Customized packaging with your brand's signature – marketing with style. In fact, many well-known trademarks do this. Channel has branded paper bags, and you can't miss a Louis Vuitton suitcase as it's covered with the company's logo.

  • Signature logo embroidery – sweatshirt embroidery makes a customer a walking advertisement for your business. Here we might think back to Lacoste, as it has a crocodile sign on its polo shirts. Also, Puma, Nike, and Tommy Hilfiger are all shamelessly using this trick. So, what are you waiting for?

  • Signs for your business – in any form you want. Use your brand's signature to proclaim your presence and impress. The more power you give to your brand's signature, the more you and others will believe in its success. The most obvious analogy we can think of is a coat of arms or a flag. We believe in this and associate the image closely with the country and its features.

  • A 3D print signature is one of the easiest ways to craft a signboard with your brand's name. Signs for your business can be made as 3D prints. You also can change the size and use it as a pendant or a bookmark.

  • Signature branding iron for wood – oh, this is the cherry on the cake of this list! Just imagine the smell of natural wood and a perfectly designed signature on it, made using a heated iron. This will add a home-like atmosphere along with eco-friendly vibes. You won't be able just to look at that – you will want to touch it.

And, which are your favorites among all the possibilities to use your branded signature logo for a highly customized marketing approach?

And, which are your favorites among all the possibilities to use your branded signature logo for a highly customized marketing approach?

How Do I Create a Branded Signature?

To come up with a branded signature, you will have to rely on everything we discussed above: the values and promises a brand has, its identity, and its image. 

Once you have a concept ready, you can turn to an online signature designer. This is rather effective, but if you don't want to compromise on style – your path leads to signature designers.

This service will mean you avoid any brand mistakes and failures. You will be able to save time while the professionals are busy creating your signature. As the main point of a brand signature is to make your product distinctive and unique, it should also be one of a kind. So, to avoid duplicate signatures, make sure you find a reputable agency and place the order there. 

Also, don't forget to check their work. For instance, Artlogo has an impressive portfolio with signatures close to graphic art. Besides, it does every type of branding we mentioned earlier – even 3D printing. 

It seems puzzling how just a few letters can be enough to understand a brand. Try this magic yourself and order your brand signature!

Conclusion: The Importance of Signature Branding

A brand signature is a concept that can be applied to many levels of a brand. It is that special "something," such as Karl Lagerfeld's sunglasses, Marilyn Monroe's blonde hair, or Salvador Dali mustaches. It's a small detail that imprints your image into people's hearts forever. 

And you also have a sign of distinction a signature that can make you special. Trust this work to the professionals of Artlogo and appreciate the effect of this tool.

Article written by

Cynthia Post, Marketing and Branding Expert


Cynthia is a seasoned marketing professional with over ten years of management experience in the top tier global companies of the world. She’s been helping companies to thrive and grow their sales throuhgout her career after graduating from еру London School of Economics with honors. Branding, which includes both marketing and design, is her biggest passion that has been keeping her in the 5am club over the last 7 years. She is very focused on detail, new solutions and industry trends.

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