Artlogo created an easy-to-use tool that lets you add your signature logo to your pictures. It also includes preset sizes for different purposes including Profile Picture so the output fits perfectly to its purpose.
The best part of it is it's FREE to use.
Access our Watermark tool here:
Watch the instruction video below on how to use it for your cover photo:
STEP 1: Go to Watermarq tool ( and "Launch" it.
STEP 2: Select your background photo from our collection of ready-to-use stock photos or upload your own photo that you want to use as background.
STEP 3: Set your output size. We also have preset sizes for different Social Media purposes (post, story, reels, or cover photo).
STEP 4: Upload Your Artlogo signature and place and resize it on your background photo.
STEP 5: Adjust your background colors, saturation, brightness, etc using the "Adjust" tab.
STEP 6: Ad more branding details by adding texts like your contact information, website, address, and any details you wanted to promote.
STEP 7: Save/download your work by clicking the "Export" button on the upper-left corner of the screen.
STEP 8: Upload the downloaded photo as your Profile Picture.
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