In this article, you will learn what a signature is all about: everything from its definition and meaning to its design and branding to use in marketing.
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The Science Behind Signature Design: Create a Signature Logo That Boosts Your Business

The signature’s place isn’t just on a legal document. Modern businesses also use it on various promotional materials as well. That’s why what someone’s sign looks like is important. After all, you wouldn’t want to create the wrong impression! Read this article to see how your signature design can positively or negatively impact your enterprise. 

What Is a Signature? (Meaning and Definition)

Signature vs. Autograph: How Much Alike and Different Are These Two?

Signature Styles & Signature Analysis: What Your Signature May Say About You

Signatures of Famous People

Signature Ideas: How to Create a Unique Signature

Handwritten Signature: 6 Tips to Make Your Signature Design Great

Signature Generators: What Are Your Options in Creating a Signature?

Handwritten Signatures & Signature Logos: Why Are They the Perfect Mix?

Who Can Benefit from Using a Signature Logo?

Photography Signature: 5 Reasons Why Your Photos Need a Signature

What Legal Concerns Do People Have About Signatures?

FAQ: Signature

What Is a Signature? (Meaning and Definition)

One of the definitions provided by Merriam-Webster for the word signature is as follows:

 “The name of a person written with his or her own hand.”

Meanwhile, According to the Uniform Commercial Code, you make a signature “ the use of any name, including a trade or assumed name, or by a word, mark, or symbol executed or adopted by a person with present intention to authenticate a writing.” 

Even though the dictionary and legal definitions of signature only involve actually writing or verifying a document, one thing is clear: the sign is intended to identify a person. The effect of this purpose has since extended to improving brand awareness and other important aspects of marketing.

How Many Types of Signatures Are There?

There’s more than just one type as at least four main categories exist: 

  1. Wet signatures,
  2. Dry signatures,
  3. Electronic signatures (eSignatures),
  4. Digital signatures.

So, if you thought that there was nothing more to a signature than just pen and ink, this section will provide you with some useful information. Learn which is which as we answer common questions about the topic below.

What Is a Wet Signature?

wet signature is accomplished by using a pen and paper. It’s called a wet signature because, when you sign on the paper, you have to wait for the ink to dry before it becomes permanent. This is a layman’s understanding of a signature.

But this doesn’t mean that you have to use a pen exclusively. Any writing instrument will do! The idea is that a person will write something physically and on a physical medium.

What Is a Dry Signature - And How Is It Different from a Wet Signature?

A dry signature is anything that isn’t considered a wet signature. The biggest difference is that you’re not using ink, paper, or any other physical medium.

Today, these are seen as synonymous with electronic signatures. But who knows, as technology develops further, perhaps the definition of dry signatures will expand too?

What Is an Electronic Signature? (eSignature)

An electronic signature or eSignature is any signature that’s created electronically. And while the first thing that comes to mind is using a digital pen to sign your name, it also applies to anything else that can represent you. This includes your:

  • One-time password (OTP)
  • Face
  • Voice
  • Thumbprint
  • Digitally-typed name

Basically, if it can be used to verify your identity, it can count as an electronic signature.

What Is a Digital Signature?

It is a type of electronic signature for which security is a prerequisite. Therefore, all digital signatures are eSignatures but not the other way around.

So, what makes this kind so special? It has features that are not present in its less secure counterpart:

  1. Signer authentication: To prove that the signature belongs to the person who is claiming it.
  2. Data integrity: To ensure that nothing has been changed in the document since it was signed.
  3. Non-deniability: To guarantee that no one can claim later on that they weren’t the ones who signed the document.

In this article you can learn how to create a digital signature.


The difference between a signature and an autograph is, essentially, that an autograph is the signature of a famous person signed on memorabilia.


Signature vs. Autograph: How Much Alike and Different Are These Two?

There are a few differences between an autograph vs signature. Looking at a famous person’s writing might make you wonder why it’s so different from yours. You are not the only person to wonder about that. 

Signatures and autographs are used to acknowledge the content of a document. The main difference comes from the usage of the autograph, considered to be the more important of the two. After all, autographs are for individuals who are deemed important by a large number of people. This is why anything with their autograph becomes valuable.

All Autographs Are Signatures, But Not All Signatures Are Autographs

When talking about signatures, we usually mean some form of agreement or document being signed. The user accepts what has been written in the document and promises to see it through.

Meanwhile, autographs are associated with a public figure of sorts. That person is usually writing a message to a fan or creating their mark (usually a signature!) on something. It’s used to remember the occasion and can generally be signed on just about anything. This can range from a person’s skin to a piece of paper. Everything in between is fair game.

Therefore, a signature only becomes an autograph when the individual is known by many people in society. Another case is when the work is written by the author.

Signatures and Autographs Differ as Identifiers

Signatures and autographs are identifiers in the sense that they’re both connected to a specific person. The difference is that autographs are not necessarily names. They can be a specific drawing that’s known to that individual. An example would be a game-winning bat that’s been signed by a baseball star. Or a quick sketch from a famous artist. 

Autographs May Have High Monetary Value

How much would someone pay for something with your signature? Unless we’re talking about fraudsters who want to steal from you, chances are most signatures won’t have a demand. And because there’s no demand, there’s no monetary value.

Whether it’s a signature or a long note to a fan, that is not the case with autographs. For example, Walt Disney’s signature often included Mickey Mouse because this iconic character was part of his public identity. People even sell items with these autographs for a lot of money! And the rarer the autograph and the item, the higher the cash value. 

Get your high value signature autograph to make you stand out

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What Is the Most Valuable Signature?

Throughout the years, the signatures of famous people have commanded hefty prices. And despite all the legends we’ve seen throughout history, no one comes close to George Washington's signature in terms of value. And as one of the Founding Fathers and the first President of the United States, this will come as no surprise to history buffs.

His signed copy of the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the First Congress were sold for $9.8 million to the Vernon Ladies Association. Granted, the documents themselves are also the reason the price got so high, but they definitely wouldn’t have been bought for that much if it weren’t for George Washington’s signature.

You can learn more about the value of the signature of other famous people in these articles:


Another difference between a signature and an autograph is that autographs can be valuable – and some are worth quite a lot of money.


Signature Styles & Signature Analysis: What Your Signature May Say About You

Is there a link between signature and personality? An expert in signature analysis may say yes. Wanting to know what impression your signature leaves is also important if you want to display a certain persona in public.

So, whether you’re interested in uncovering your innermost secrets or designing a brand identity, keep reading as we talk a little bit about handwriting signature analysis. And using this newfound knowledge, what are the few signature styles (for my name) that would work best? 

Note that there is a lot more to learn than what we’ll talk about here. To start, here are a few interesting ones.

Underlined Signature

There are many studies about signatures, and many are very insightful. Experts say that having your signature underlined can mean that you need to be recognized and feel important. Others say that it shows confidence, perhaps because you’re emphasizing your name by using an underline.

There are many studies about signatures, and many are very insightful. Experts say that having your signature underlined can mean that you need to be recognized and feel important. Others say that it shows confidence, perhaps because you’re emphasizing your name by using an underline. 

These two explanations aren’t too far from each other. So don’t be surprised if you see an underlined signature on people who like being an authority figure.

Line Through Name

Having a strike through your name is seen as being very critical of yourself. Some interpreters even see it as being incredibly intense in the sense that the person is easy to get riled up. Signature experts can see the act of drawing a line through your name as a way of “striking” or “canceling” yourself.

Having a strike through your name is seen as being very critical of yourself. Some interpreters even see it as being incredibly intense in the sense that the person is easy to get riled up. Signature experts can see the act of drawing a line through your name as a way of “striking” or “canceling” yourself. 

Again, this is just an interpretation and may not always be true. The individual may just like the style! Or who knows? Maybe they just want to make their signature harder to forge, in order to avoid signature fraud.

Slanted Signature

Having a slant can mean a few things, depending on whether it’s forward or backward.

Having a slant can mean a few things, depending on whether it’s forward or backward. 

  1. A slant that leans backward can mean that an individual is reserved and shy, 
  2. while a slant that leans forward may mean that they are confident and spontaneous.

The explanation for this interpretation is pretty obvious. Something leaning backward is generally seen as being passive. This means that the counterpart is the opposite, but for us, backward can also mean taking more time before deciding your next move.

Capitalized First Letter

Capitalized First Letter

The signature style for those who capitalize the first letter of their name indicates that the individual has high confidence and self-esteem, whereas the opposite is true for those with a lowercase first letter in their signature.

Still, let’s put this into some context. Most of us grew up learning that for proper nouns (like our names), you begin with a capitalized letter. Perhaps this learning was just applied to creating signatures.

Lack of Last Name

We tend to think that people use only their first name in their signatures because they want to save time. Science says otherwise. Not including a last name can mean you have a strong self-awareness. Those individuals tend to be more independent.

We tend to think that people use only their first name in their signatures because they want to save time. Science says otherwise. Not including a last name can mean you have a strong self-awareness. Those individuals tend to be more independent.

Embellished Letters

When we see an over-the-top personality, we usually think the person is very complicated. After all, they’re just bursting with ideas and emotions, and the end result is something a little too intense for some people.

When we see an over-the-top personality, we usually think the person is very complicated. After all, they’re just bursting with ideas and emotions, and the end result is something a little too intense for some people.

But with signature, it’s the opposite. Someone complicated and sophisticated will tend to have a simpler signature than most. So, if you want to know whether someone may be straightforward or not, look for embellishments like loops, dashes, and even hearts.

Easy to Read

According to signature analysis experts, the legibility of your signature isn’t just about your penmanship. It also speaks of how open you are as a person.

According to signature analysis experts, the legibility of your signature isn’t just about your penmanship. It also speaks of how open you are as a person.

But the opposite (having an illegible signature) doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re closed off to people. It may just mean you have a quick mind. You don’t bother yourself too much with the details because you believe action speaks louder than words.

Large Letters

Did you know that in a study involving CFOs, those who use large letters in signatures are more likely to misreport numbers? Now, this doesn’t mean that people with larger signatures should be assumed to be lying.

Did you know that in a study involving CFOs, those who use large letters in signatures are more likely to misreport numbers? Now, this doesn’t mean that people with larger signatures should be assumed to be lying.

What experts are saying is that they’re generally more confident. And in the case of the CFOs, this confidence empowered them to think they were going to get away with wrongdoing.

Initials Only

If you see someone who signs with just their initials, they’re probably a very private person. After all, if they don’t even want to reveal their name through their signature, there’s probably a lot about them that they only keep to themselves.

If you see someone who signs with just their initials, they’re probably a very private person. After all, if they don’t even want to reveal their name through their signature, there’s probably a lot about them that they only keep to themselves.

Now, this isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Signing with just the initials is also seen to indicate independence.

Nickname Only

Like signing with just your initials, this is also associated with independence. Many experts believe that it’s furthermore related to efficiency.

Like signing with just your initials, this is also associated with independence. Many experts believe that it’s furthermore related to efficiency.

Since signing with either your full name or nickname accomplishes the same thing, efficient people tend to go with the latter option.

If you’re looking for a deeper dive and more revelations from your signature, many handwritten signature detections can be used for signature analysis. This will determine more about what your signature says about you than generalized and non-contextualized interpretations may do.


Were you aware of what a signature can reveal about one's personality - not only of famous people, but also of yourself?


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Signatures of Famous People

As we discussed, the signatures of famous people are more commonly known as autographs. Such signatures often inspire people, and that should not stop you either. Mimicking them may show you something about yourself that you may not have known before.

Let’s look over the signatures of ten household names in various industries and see if we can find out more about them.

Steven Jobs

Considered a pioneer in the field of developing personal computers, Steve Jobs is an icon whose name lives on even today. His signature is in lowercase and has an angle which helped us infer that he was a very ambitious man.

Considered a pioneer in the field of developing personal computers, Steve Jobs is an icon whose name lives on even today. His signature is in lowercase and has an angle which helped us infer that he was a very ambitious man.

J K Rowling

J K Rowling, the creator of the Harry Potter series, captured the attention of readers and audiences worldwide through her unique and out-of-this-world stories. No wonder her signature is very unconventional, proving that she’s not afraid to let her conviction show.

J K Rowling, the creator of the Harry Potter series, captured the attention of readers and audiences worldwide through her unique and out-of-this-world stories. No wonder her signature is very unconventional, proving that she’s not afraid to let her conviction show.

Pablo Picasso

During a significant portion of the 20th century, Pablo Picasso was one of the most influential artists through his work in various styles of art, including cubism, symbolism, and surrealism. The signature being underlined shows he needs to be noticed, which makes sense because he is an artist. The unconventional way he does this also shows that he’s creative.

During a significant portion of the 20th century, Pablo Picasso was one of the most influential artists through his work in various styles of art, including cubism, symbolism, and surrealism. The signature being underlined shows he needs to be noticed, which makes sense because he is an artist. The unconventional way he does this also shows that he’s creative.

Barack Obama

Barack Obama is a generally beloved political figure, most known for being the first black president of the United States. The former president’s signature shows that he is an easygoing and relaxed individual. The big capital letters show his confidence in himself.

Barack Obama is a generally beloved political figure, most known for being the first black president of the United States. The former president’s signature shows that he is an easygoing and relaxed individual. The big capital letters show his confidence in himself.

Charlie Chaplin

An icon of the silent movie era, Charlie Chaplin’s legacy as a comedian is still remembered today. His signature is quite illegible, which shows his creativity and his need not to follow the masses.

An icon of the silent movie era, Charlie Chaplin’s legacy as a comedian is still remembered today. His signature is quite illegible, which shows his creativity and his need not to follow the masses.

Elvis Presley

Elvis Presley is known as the King of Rock and Roll and is famous for rolling out iconic performances during his life. The use of large letters in his signature shows that he’s very proud of himself and his individual achievements.

Elvis Presley is known as the King of Rock and Roll and is famous for rolling out iconic performances during his life. The use of large letters in his signature shows that he’s very proud of himself and his individual achievements.

Larry Page

If you use Google to look up anything, you have its creator, Larry Page, to thank. His signature shows that he is self-assured and appreciates his own space by the way his first and last names are spread apart.

If you use Google to look up anything, you have its creator, Larry Page, to thank. His signature shows that he is self-assured and appreciates his own space by the way his first and last names are spread apart.

Bill Gates

Bill Gates is the co-founder of Microsoft. But more than that, he’s become the face of philanthropy throughout his life. His clearly written signature shows that he is set on his goals and is down to earth. This is common with entrepreneurs.

Bill Gates is the co-founder of Microsoft. But more than that, he’s become the face of philanthropy throughout his life. His clearly written signature shows that he is set on his goals and is down to earth. This is common with entrepreneurs.

Meg Whitman

Like many entrepreneurs before her, Meg’s first name can be read clearly, while her last name is somewhat illegible. This shows that she’s very passionate about her individual accomplishments. And who wouldn’t be? Whitman has a stellar track record both in business and public service.

Like many entrepreneurs before her, Meg’s first name can be read clearly, while her last name is somewhat illegible. This shows that she’s very passionate about her individual accomplishments. And who wouldn’t be? Whitman has a stellar track record both in business and public service.

Walt Disney

Walt Disney and the magical world he created for generations need no introduction. And as you'll see, even his signature is reminiscent of what he created. The curly, cursive lines are proof of a high level of artistry and imagination. It's almost as if in every stroke, there's an idea about to burst out!

Walt Disney and the magical world he created for generations need no introduction. And as you'll see, even his signature is reminiscent of what he created. The curly, cursive lines are proof of a high level of artistry and imagination. It's almost as if in every stroke, there's an idea about to burst out!

Here’s what we believe at Artlogo: there’s as much art as there is science behind every signature. That’s why we created our own take on what we think the best signature for each of these celebrities would be:

Artlogo Samples

Signature Ideas: How to Create a Unique Signature

If you know at least one person who has the same name as you do, there’s extra pressure to have a unique signature design. After all, even with differences in handwriting, you still want to express your individuality. And in doing so, your signature (and, by extension, you as a person) will easily stand out and be remembered.

Design your custom made handwritten signature now


So, let’s take the pressure off for a moment. Instead of focusing solely on making something unique, think about how your personality can stand out through beautiful handwritten signatures. Here are a few ideas to get you started.

Think About What You Want to Express Through Your Signature

Do you want to be taken seriously? Or perhaps be seen as someone outgoing and fun? Knowing the “feel” that you want to achieve is a great way to screen through the endless ideas for your handwritten signature.

Still, you’re probably wondering how to write your own signature. So let's go back to the basics. To start, look back at the signature styles that we covered. If you’re in a certain industry, consider what the bigwigs are doing as well. For example, if you’re in tech, you’ll want to study the signatures of household names like Steve Jobs and Bill Gates.

Decide What You Want to Include in the Signature

  • Do you want to use your entire name
  • The initials of your first and middle names? 
  • Just a short moniker you’re known for? 
  • How about going with only your initials

Whether you’re looking up search results for “signature generator for my name” or making a handwritten one on your own, all these are possibilities to make a handwritten signature.

Of course, you have to consider a lot of factors throughout your decision-making process. For example, it may be impractical to use your entire name if it’s relatively long. 

Meanwhile, even though you can legally use your initials for the same purposes, it may cause concern because it would be easier to forge. It’s like with passwords. Everything held equal; shorter ones are, by comparison, easier to crack than their longer counterparts.

Experiment All You Want

At this point, you probably have a whole mental file named handwritten signature ideas for my name. It’s time to put those ideas to life. Explore and combine different styles that you know about. If you want to take it further, create an entirely new style that only you would have.

There’s no rule on how to go about this. But if you want to come up with something that would appeal to your audience, look into the tips to make your handwritten signature design great. You have to first learn the rules before you break them!

Finalize and Practice

It’s not unheard of for a signature to undergo scrutiny because it looks like a forgery, even if it’s not. You don’t want the hassle of proving you signed something, right?

So once you’ve finalized your signature, practice it over and over again. The goal is to be able to replicate it effortlessly and flawlessly. If you’re not able to do this, perhaps it’s better to go back to the drawing board and reconsider the signature you went with.

“Is this the only way to create my signature?” No. If you don’t want to go through this entire process, you can also go straight to the last step by using a signature generator or hiring an expert to create one for you. 

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Handwritten Signature: 6 Tips to Make Your Signature Design Great

An effective signature that you can use as an autograph or for any other purpose will have certain elements. In creating yours, remember these tips to make your signature great.

1. Make Sure It’s Legible

If you’re not using it for branding at all, this isn’t a concern. But a signature used as a marketing tool is set to a different standard. The last reaction you want to your signature design is confusion.

You also want to avoid people having to look at your signature for more than a second just to find out what your name is. Chances are, if they don’t know you, they won’t even bother finding out how your name is spelled.

2. It Should Be Unique and Represent Your Personality

A lot of people who want to create their own signatures ask, “what’s a good signature design for my name?” However, the better question is to ask how you can make your signature become truly you. Here, it’s good to look at what various experts on signature analysis have to say about different styles.

From in-person interactions down to your signature, you want to create consistency. So, if the design that you come up with feels a little off, don’t be afraid to start over.

3. It Should Represent Your Name or Brand

Are you a public persona known by a stage name of sorts? Consider using that for your calligraphy signature instead of your full name. After all, the point is to create a strong association between you and how you sign.

So, for a serious industry like law or accounting, you probably want to avoid loops and other embellishments that look too casual. In the same light, you don’t want your signature to seem too formal when you want to create a more approachable persona.


With these six actionable tips, you should be good to go to design your custom handwritten signature logo.


4. Add or Incorporate Embellishments Related to Your Brand

Let’s say you’re a kid’s books writer who specializes in lessons related to various expressions of love. Perhaps it’s not a bad idea to dot your letter I with a heart.

But remember, you don’t have to incorporate anything extra if it feels forced. There’s a fine line between trying to stand out and being tacky. You don’t want to be the latter.

5. Make Sure It’s Scalable

You’re probably so excited to see the impact a good signature can make for you that you almost want to shout, “Let’s design my name!” Signature logos can be complicated in the sense that they have to look good, no matter the size.

  • What would the signature look like when you actually sign it
  • How about on a custom business card
  • If you need to put it on a billboard, would it still look good? 

Make sure that the details of the signature are not lost when you print it out small. At the same time, if you want to make a signboard out of it, it should look balanced with good use of white space.

6. Make It Applicable Across Different Platforms

You can’t fully predict the direction in which your business and brand will grow. You have to consider every potential future opportunity when you design your signature. Whether you’re going to use it on business cards or go bags, your design should never lose its appeal.

So, before you completely commit to a signature, consider making mock-ups. This will let you verify whether or not the design will look good in all situations. 

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Signature Generators: What Are Your Options in Creating a Signature?

Every time you ask yourself, “How do I begin to create a signature for my name?” remember this: at the end of the day, the important thing is that what you create accomplishes its purpose. 

So here, we’ll list the most appropriate offline or online signature creator tools for the most common purposes (plus a few of our suggestions to spice things up!):

For Legal Purposes: Yourself

When you’re confident that a signature will have no purpose for you other than for signing legal documents, you should create a handwritten signature. In this case, there’s no reason to invest more in something that’s only going to be for personal use.

Don’t get us wrong. You’re always free to tinker around with a signature maker online and try out the other options at your disposal; there’s nothing wrong with going beyond what’s required, after all.

For Electronic Transactions: Generic Signatures from the Platform

In terms of electronic transactions, the main concern is securing legitimacy. You want to ensure that everyone involved adheres to whatever is stipulated in the agreement. 

That’s why today, you don’t just send a document over email for someone to sign. To truly preserve the paper trail, people use electronic signatures and agreement clouds like Docusign.

Here, style or the signature font isn’t as relevant as the legitimacy of the transaction. That’s why their built-in text to signature generator (which gives you generic signatures from a limited set of fonts) is good enough.

But again, that doesn’t necessarily mean this is your only option. If you want the best of both worlds (a signature generator “handwriting” for you, plus top-notch security), you can upload a beautiful signature instead.

Our free signature creator is a great option to design your handwritten signature onli

For Marketing Purposes: A Handwritten Service from an Expert Calligrapher

Marketing is such a wide field that there’s really no one correct solution. But if you plan to use your sign in a lot of materials, an expert calligrapher is your best option.

With an online signature maker, handwritten artwork can be created especially for you. So far, tech can’t still match human ingenuity. Only human-produced output will truly resonate with your brand, thus maximizing the impact of your signature on your audience. And to avoid issues with ownership and the law, we advise against using a signature generator online for large-scale or high-profile projects.

But if you’re at a point where you’re just trying things out, don’t look for complicated options. Feel free to use a handwritten signature generator, but don’t just use the first you see; find something that has these components:

  • Signature Drawer. This will allow you to directly draw your signature by hand straight to your phone, tablet, or even your desktop screen. You can also type your name and choose from different fonts to create a signature.
  • Download Function. Having this will mean getting to use the created graphic even outside the platform.
  • JPG Signature to PNG Converter. With a converter, you’ll be able to use an existing illustration for materials created using a graphics design editor.

Essentially, use a signature generator free of potential issues that you will experience with low-quality versions.

Unique handwritten signature created by professional calligraphers for you


There are many things that you can put on signature logos. But if you want to stand out in all the right ways, using a handwritten signature is a great option. Even though it’s not everyone’s first choice when creating logos, it’s very beneficial. Here are a few reasons why.

It’s More Personalized

Stylistically, a signature is seen as a representation of who you are. It’s no wonder that having a handwritten signature logo offers a deep level of personalization that resonates more with the public! 

You’ll be able to make yourself seen by your audience even before you say anything, including what you stand for or what you do. Because you only have a few seconds to grab their attention, this can mean the difference between winning and losing a customer.

It Creates Better Associations

A coffee shop with a bike logo wouldn’t make much sense, would it? On the other hand, having a logo that depicts a coffee mug with steam rising out of it can show what your business is about.

The same goes for signature logos. Although it doesn’t apply to the nature of a business per se, people will associate your logo with what you represent. Remember the section about signature analysis? This can matter a lot here.

When you create a handwritten signature, it helps to give credibility to your business, and the message feels more authentic. The perfect signature logo is short, sweet, and gets to the point.

It’s More Easily Recognizable

Now, this isn’t to say that other forms of logos are invalid. But depending on which industry you’re in, it may be better to go with logo designs that aren’t much of a thinker. That’s where signature logos come in. Because they use your name (or whatever public persona you adopt), your target audience will be able to identify you immediately.

And at the end of the day, isn’t your logo all about being recognized as the mark of your brand? This is what makes a signature logo especially useful.

They’re Incredibly Underused

If everyone’s wearing red, the best way to stand out is to wear a shirt of practically any other color. The same goes for logos. Because not many people use their signatures in their logos, the benefit of using one becomes much greater.

Every signature logo is unique; this means that it still pays to invest in a nice digital handwritten signature if you’re using it for marketing. But considering the circumstances, even an average signature logo can easily call the attention of the public.

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Who Can Benefit from Using a Signature Logo?

Benefiting from a signature logo is no longer the preserve of those in high positions or big companies. From small businesses to real estate agents, everyone can see the benefit of this product. Signature logos are here to stay, and you should not miss out! 

If you’re in any of these professions, you’ll want to consider getting a professional signature logo for yourself:

  • Real estate agents
  • Coaches
  • CEOs
  • Small Business Owners
  • Lawyers
  • Dentists
  • Doctors
  • Marketers
  • Bloggers / Youtubers
  • Photographers
  • Artists and Creatives
  • Public figures
  • And many more.

With our six actionable tips, you should be good to go to design your own handwritten signature logo.

If your brand relies on your reputation as a professional and your name, then having a signature logo will be great for you. Here you can find out how to create a signature logo for your own business.

Get your custom made signature logo now

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Signature Branding: Building Your Brand with a Signature Logo 

Why is brand signature important? It helps your customers remember you by creating brand awareness. The perfect logo design for your business doesn’t have to cost you an arm or a leg.

A brand signature helps to reinforce what your brand does and what it stands for. Here are some great examples of how your brand can use signature logos:

Email Signature

It does not just make your emails stand out but also makes them look professional as well. This kind of logo helps your clients see who’s sending the email as well as the company, phone number, and other important contact information. Here you can find our HTML email signature generator.

Brand awareness is the key to any brand wanting to compete or get ahead of the pack. A handwritten email signature can help to spread the word about your business. Not having a signature logo is a missed opportunity that should not be taken lightly. Signature logos even offer the chance to have links to your current campaigns.

Social Media Marketing

From YouTube intros and outros to Instagram posts and Facebook headers, social media marketing encompasses many marketing activities. And knowing how well signatures go with marketing, why not use them for that purpose? Here you can get your custom social media pack!

Business Cards

A staple of practically every networking event, it’s easy for your card to get lost among the thousands that your prospects will receive. Of course, making a great impression is still the most important thing. But if you want to be truly remembered, you’ll want to pull out all the stops necessary.

Get your customized set of business cards now



Watermarks serve a double purpose; they help make your work recognizable and prevent theft. The easiest way to create one is with a watermark generator app

Legal Documents

Securing written transactions and agreements is one of the primary applications for signatures. But aside from using a handwritten signature over the dotted line, you can also use it as a seal for documents or even as a letterhead.

Website Headers

Customers are likely to purchase a product on a page if they’re attracted to it. Having a well-designed website header will intrigue your clients and encourage them to find out more. A professional handwritten signature design helps to show people that an actual person runs the business.

Online Advertisements

The best way to capture an audience’s attention with an advertisement is to make sure that your company’s name and logo are visible! Nothing does that more than having a signature logo that’s been carefully handwritten to wow your audience.


You need to stand out if you want to advertise on cars. People see thousands of cars every day, and they only remember the ones that catch their eye. This can only happen if you have a logo that helps you to be remembered.

Company Stationery

Everything is an opportunity to advertise, including giving out freebies to crowds, small and large. Having a company logo on them is sure to let potential customers think of you.

Customized Packages

We’ve all seen big brands sell merch featuring their logos. But even if you’re not yet a global powerhouse, using your signature logo on packages that you send to clients or sell at events is a great idea. It’s a way for your target audience to constantly be reminded of your brand and take it everywhere with them.

Custom made handwritten signature now

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Photography Signature: 5 Reasons Why Your Photos Need a Signature

You’re probably asking, Can I use my signature as a watermark?” The answer is yes!

Learning how to make a digital watermark logo might seem difficult at first, but the truth is that you don’t need any prior graphic skills at all. There’s a lot of online software out there, like Watermark, that lets you create a photographic watermark logo even with zero know-how in graphic design.

Some artists are so iconic that even without signing their work, you’d be able to recognize that it’s them. Unfortunately, this also makes their work vulnerable to fraud and forgery. Photographers who are still building a reputation in the arena are even more exposed to this problem as they’re relatively unknown.

So, if you’re still second guessing whether or not to use your signature, these may make you finally put one on all your works:

1. You Don’t Want Anyone to Claim Your Work

The most important reason for having a signature on your work is so that other people can’t claim it as their own. A watermark logo allows you to achieve just that. Especially in the age of the Internet, where you don’t have full control of what happens to your work once it’s out there, a signature will serve as protection in preventing anyone from benefiting from your hard work.

2. It Helps Spread the Word

Have you ever heard a song and wondered who the voice behind it was? If the musician’s work is good, you’ll likely end up enjoying their entire album. The same logic applies here. And like brand associations, people will associate your work with you when they see your signature. 

A signature logo can help create interest in your art by having each of your shots represent you everywhere.

3. It Helps Track Digital Documents

Like with any other industry, a signature can also protect the photographer from scams. Electronic signatures, in particular, can process contracts efficiently, ensuring the legality of the document and creating an accurate record of how the transaction was processed.

So, when you book a paid gig, you don’t just have to trust anyone’s word. More importantly, you’ll be able to outline the included services for whatever package you have.

As you can see, with a signature, your photographs not only become recognizable but also get

4. It’s Practically Required of the Profession

Regardless of their stature in the art industry, practically all painters sign their work in the bottom right corner of their paintings. Meanwhile, sculptors sign their work at the base. Although in a different form, the same trend has been established for photographers.

And when it comes to the point that something is expected within a profession, you can’t afford to be without a signature. Otherwise, your reputation may suffer because you have less than what conventions dictate. It’s a good thing that a handcrafted signature is useful beyond trying to fulfill a requirement!

5. It Lets You Express Artistry Beyond Your Photograph

Having a signature on your work can even be used to enhance your art. An example could be the contrast of having a bright and happy photo with a darker signature, showing a hint of mysteriousness. This may encourage your clients to want more of your work.

The best part about it is that you don’t have to concern yourself with thoughts like how do I create a photography signature?” If you’re already using one for marketing, you can just use that as well.

Now, how do you add a watermark to a signature? This isn’t necessary at all. The signature is the watermark in and of itself.

Below, we describe the common issues and concerns you may have that are related to signatures:

  1. The legality of eSignatures. Because the average person doesn’t understand how the technology works, there’s still a lot of doubt about whether an electronic signature would stand in court.
  2. Signing for a Minor. When depositing money on a child’s behalf, some parents just sign for their kids. But most people actually know whether or not it’s legal.
  3. Using Unconventional Ink Colors. A lot of banks only allow the use of black ink to sign finance-related documents. Usually, ink colors like pink, green, and yellow will trigger a fraud alert or even nullify whatever that was signed.
  4. Signing for Someone Else. Should you sign for someone if they give you permission? Some think that doing so could end badly due to the potential accusations of fraud.

We’re sure you have a lot more questions on the legality of a signature in different contexts. But if your curiosity about this topic stems from an actual legal concern, we advise seeking the assistance of a lawyer on the matter.

FAQ: Signature

Anything and everything else you want to know about signatures, you can find in this section:

1. Why Is a Signature Important?

The importance of a signature was originally just to show proof that you’d agreed to something. This way, no one could just claim that you had taken out a loan or given a valuable asset as a gift. But today, signatures are also effective marketing tools that you can use for various purposes.

2. Can a Signature Be Anything?

Yes. Your signature can be as simple as a check mark if you want. You can also use as many embellishments as you see fit.

3. Can I Just Write My Name for My Signature?

Definitely, this is what most people’s signatures are. Most are in cursive, but you’re always free to sign, even with block letters.

4. Can Signatures Be Changed?

Yes, and you’re free to do so anytime. But to make it official, one valid identification card must bear your new signature.

5. Can a Signature Be Different from My Name?

Yes, your signature can be a nickname, a stage name, or any other name that you want. You can even draw something as part of your signature. 

6. What Should Not Be in the Signature?

There’s no official rule on what you can and can’t include, but it’s always a good idea to avoid any taboo symbols, topics, or words.

7. Why Are Signatures So Messy?

Assuming that you can consistently sign identical signatures, the more complicated ones are normally harder to copy. That’s why many people make their signatures messy to protect themselves from fraud.

8. Are Signature Stamps Legal?

Yes, they are legal. But the stamp owner may have to validate it or have an authorized person validate it on their behalf.

9. Can a Signature Be Copied?

Anyone can try to copy a signature, but it will always be a forgery. And because there are so many experts now in detecting fraud and forgery, it will be extremely hard to get away with it successfully.

10. Can a Signature Be Typed?

Yes. This is how a lot of online transactions are done nowadays. Using a platform like DocuSign, you just have to type in your signature to signify your agreement with a contract.

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Every person signs a large number of documents, send thousands of emails or active in social media during their lifetime. Artlogo's mission is to create your eye-catching signature that makes You and Your name unqiue and helps you stand out.

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