In this article you are going to learn everything about signature analysis, analytics and reading.
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Signature Design: Learn Design Ideas, Tips and Branding

Whether it’s just for signing official documents or for use in company branding, your signature should be unique to you and designed to reflect your personality and style. But coming up with a suitable design isn’t always as simple as it sounds. 

If you’re trying to figure out how to make your own signature and find yourself running out of ideas, this article is for you.

  1. Here, we’ll discuss what programs you can use to create your signature. 

  2. We’ll also talk you through the necessary steps for coming up with your own design. 

  3. Finally, this article will set out several examples of well-designed signatures to help inspire your own creations.

So, if you want to know the key to creating the perfect signature for your name, read on! You’ll have all the answers you’re looking for by the end of this article.

What Is a Signature? (Meaning and Definition)

Using a Signature Design Generator

Drawing Your Signature With Our Signature Maker

Typing Your Signature With Our Signature Designer

Writing Your Signature By Hand With Our Signature Generator

Signature Ideas:How Can I Design My Signature?

Examples of Great Signature Designs

Hire Our Custom Signature Design Services

FAQ: Signature Design

What Is a Signature? (Meaning and Definition)

One of the definitions provided by Merriam-Webster for the word signature is as follows:

 “The name of a person written with his or her own hand.”

Meanwhile, According to the Uniform Commercial Code, you make a signature “ the use of any name, including a trade or assumed name, or by a word, mark, or symbol executed or adopted by a person with present intention to authenticate a writing.” 

Even though the dictionary and legal definitions of signature only involve actually writing or verifying a document, one thing is clear: the sign is intended to identify a person. The effect of this purpose has since extended to improving brand awareness and other important aspects of marketing.

How Many Types of Signatures Are There?

There’s more than just one type as at least four main categories exist: 

  1. Wet signatures,
  2. Dry signatures,
  3. Electronic signatures (eSignatures),
  4. Digital signatures.

So, if you thought that there was nothing more to a signature than just pen and ink, this section will provide you with some useful information. Learn which is which as we answer common questions about the topic below.

What Is a Wet Signature?

wet signature is accomplished by using a pen and paper. It’s called a wet signature because, when you sign on the paper, you have to wait for the ink to dry before it becomes permanent. This is a layman’s understanding of a signature.

But this doesn’t mean that you have to use a pen exclusively. Any writing instrument will do! The idea is that a person will write something physically and on a physical medium.

What Is a Dry Signature - And How Is It Different from a Wet Signature?

A dry signature is anything that isn’t considered a wet signature. The biggest difference is that you’re not using ink, paper, or any other physical medium.

Today, these are seen as synonymous with electronic signatures. But who knows, as technology develops further, perhaps the definition of dry signatures will expand too?

What Is an Electronic Signature? (eSignature)

An electronic signature or eSignature is any signature that’s created electronically. And while the first thing that comes to mind is using a digital pen to sign your name, it also applies to anything else that can represent you. This includes your:

  • One-time password (OTP)
  • Face
  • Voice
  • Thumbprint
  • Digitally-typed name

Basically, if it can be used to verify your identity, it can count as an electronic signature.

What Is a Digital Signature?

It is a type of electronic signature for which security is a prerequisite. Therefore, all digital signatures are eSignatures but not the other way around.

So, what makes this kind so special? It has features that are not present in its less secure counterpart:

  1. Signer authentication: To prove that the signature belongs to the person who is claiming it.
  2. Data integrity: To ensure that nothing has been changed in the document since it was signed.
  3. Non-deniability: To guarantee that no one can claim later on that they weren’t the ones who signed the document.

In this article you can learn how to create a digital signature.


The difference between a signature and an autograph is, essentially, that an autograph is the signature of a famous person signed on memorabilia.



Using a Signature Design Generator

Whether they’re for signing digital documents (like a pdf) or for printing onto merchandise, having a digital signature can be useful. 

Perhaps you’ve wondered, “Where can I get a high-quality signature design of my name quickly and for free?”

One of the easiest and most convenient way to create it is by using a handwritten signature generator

There are several different websites out there that allow you to design your signature, but Artlogo’s signature designer is one of the most flexible, high-quality tools available. Our designs are used by professionals across all industries, including real estate agents, lawyers, business consultants, content creators, and CEOs.

Using Artlogo’s online signature design tool, you can create unique digital signatures via three methods: 

  1. Drawing your signature using the tool. 

  2. Typing it, selecting your preferred signature font

  3. Or writing out your signature by hand and creating a digital signature from a photograph or scan.

Drawing Your Signature With Our Signature Maker

One of the easiest ways to design a signature is by drawing it with our program. The free online signature generator tool is intuitive and easy to use: simply write out your signature in your preferred color — black, blue, or red — and download it with the click of a button. 

You can create your handwritten signature design using a mouse, touchpad, tablet, or smartphone, meaning you can even work on it while on the go. What’s more, with our signature design website, your digital signature will be downloaded as a crisp, high-quality .png file, ready to be used in any capacity.

Typing Your Signature With Our Signature Designer

If you’re after a simpler design, you might decide to type your name into our free handwritten signature generator and make your selection from one of the many fonts on offer. Whether you’re going for a sleek, contemporary look or for something more classic, we’re bound to have a style to suit your personal vibe. 

As with our drawing tool, you can choose between black, red and blue ink signature when creating a signature design online by typing it out. This high degree of customizability means that you can put together a signature that fully showcases your unique aesthetic. If you’re satisfied with your design, you can download it as a free .png file in a matter of seconds.

Professional custom made handwritten signature

Create Signature

Writing Your Signature By Hand With Our Signature Generator

Finally, for the ultimate amount of creative freedom, you can simply write your wet signature directly onto a piece of paper, photograph or scan it, and then use our free online signature scanning tool to convert it into a .png file. This is ideal for people who struggle to draw using their mouse or on a small smartphone screen and are looking for other options.

With this tool, you can get a high-quality signature design free of charge, created to your precise specifications, in a matter of minutes. Now, all you need is the perfect design to put on paper.

Handcrafted by us, inspired by you and your business

Handcraft signature logo Handmade signature logo designs Signature generator Handmade signature logo designs handwritten signature logo
Create My Signature

Signature Ideas: How Can I Design My Signature?

Now that we’ve explained what type of software you can use when creating your own signature, it’s time to talk about how you should go about coming up with your design in the first place. It can be difficult to create an appealing design from scratch, especially if you’re someone to whom artistic ability does not come naturally.

This section will explain the various steps you should take to create your perfect signature design — that is, a design that is not only aesthetically appealing but one that reflects your sense of style and is well-suited for its purpose. 

Whether you’re creating a signature for your own personal use or for your brand identity design, this guide will set you off on the right track.

What Is a Signature Design Style?

Your signature design style refers to the particular look of your signature. For example, you might opt for a modern, minimalist aesthetic with clean lines and few embellishments; or you might instead choose a more elaborate design with flourishes and curlicues.

The style of your signature will depend on a couple of things:

  • What you’re using the signature for. If you’re using it as part of a handwritten signature logo for your business, you might opt for a very different style than you would use for signing private documents. Also, if you are using a signature as a business logo, the style you settle on may vary depending on what type of company you run. For example, if you own a tech startup, your design might have a sleek, modern look, whereas a signature logo for a florist might be more feminine and ornamental.
  • The message you want your signature to send. A signature analysis can reveal a lot about your personality, as well as your personal sense of style. Think carefully about what you want to reveal to people through your signature. This is an especially pertinent piece of advice when using your signature to design a business logo, as it is will be a part of your brand, and therefore it must appeal to people in your target demographic.

  • What Should My Signature Look Like?

    As you may have expected, there is no single answer to this question, as the look of your signature will depend on what it’s being used for and what you want to convey with your design. 

    As such, you should consider these points carefully when brainstorming potential ideas for your handwritten signature. Here are a few examples of particular styles you might decide upon when you design your signature:

  • Formal. If you’re creating a design for use in a business environment, you’ll probably want to go for a fairly formal look. In these types of signatures, it’s common for people just to use their initials, like for example in an initials logo. These designs are usually fairly plain and minimalist, with little or no embellishments.
  • Contemporary. For a modern-looking design, you should embrace a minimalist style with sleek lines. Simple embellishments may be used sparingly — for example, a plain underline or a couple of dots at the end of the signature.
  • Elaborate. If you’d like to use your signature to show off your colorful, flamboyant personality, you can do so with an elaborate, detailed signature. Loops, flourishes, and curlicues can all be used to give your design a playful, artistic look.
  • Professional signature logo to represent you

    Create My Signature

    Dos and Don’ts in Signature Design

    While it’s true that your individual design approach will differ depending on the type of signature you want to create, there are a few important rules that apply in just about any situation. Below, we’ve broken down a few of these guidelines for you:

  • Do look for inspiration. Looking at famous signatures and studying calligraphy will help you to figure out what elements you particularly enjoy in a signature. This will make it easier for you to come up with your own design.
  • Don’t copy someone else’s design. There’s a fine line between looking for inspiration and plagiarizing! It’s important that your signature is 100% unique and undeniably you, so make it your own.
  • Do consider what your design says about you. As we’ve already shown, it’s important for you to have a clear idea about what you’ll be using your signature for and what you want to convey with it. Consider these factors carefully before putting together your design.
  • Don’t be afraid to experiment. It might be that you already have a clear idea of the type of style you want, but if not, try out a few different ones. You may stumble upon one that you end up liking more than you thought.
  • Do think outside the box. Unless it’s important for your particular purpose, don’t worry too much about making your signature legible. Instead, focus on creating a memorable, striking design that conveys something about your brand.
  • Don’t choose a design you can’t replicate. It’s important that you’re able to recreate your signature, especially if you’re going to use it to sign off on important documents. Whatever design you choose in the end, be sure you can remember it.
  • How Can I Make My Signature Look Professional?

    If you’re looking to create a signature for a professional environment, you may have wondered, “How to design a signature of my name that looks appropriately formal?”. 

    Some people use just their initials for business signatures, but this isn’t a hard and fast rule. If you prefer, you can write your name out in full or use some combination of both methods.

    When it comes to the style of the signature, we’d recommend going for something a little more streamlined and simplistic. A flamboyant design with lots of embellishments may work in some scenarios, but within a professional setting, it may be more appropriate to go for a clean, sleek look.

    How Can I Make My Signature Attractive?

    The secret to making an attractive signature lies in knowing who your audience is. After all, different demographics will be drawn to different designs; without knowing who you’re targeting, how can you create a signature that will catch your viewers’ attention?

    But no matter what type of signature you’re creating, there are certain steps you should always take to ensure your design looks good:

  • Don’t make it messy. There’s a difference between an illegible signature and a glorified scribble. If your design just looks like your pen slipped on the page, you’re not going to impress anybody!
  • Ensure you can reproduce your signature. Create a design that you can faithfully recreate to ensure you are able to maintain a consistent brand.
  • Highlight interesting letters. Letters that already feature curves, loops, and diagonal lines can provide you with ample opportunities for innovation. Consider making these the focus of your design.

  • How Do I Create My Handwritten Signature?

    Once you’ve decided what type of style you’re aiming for with your signature, it’s finally time to come up with your design. Now is the perfect time to get experimental. 

    Get yourself a sheet of paper and try out a few different styles, experimenting with using your full name, your initials, or a mixture of both. Play around with underlines, loops, dots, flourishes — whatever embellishments you feel will best suit your purpose.

    After you’ve tried out a few different designs, take a look at the results. Do any stand out to you? Isolate your favorite and work to refine it while keeping in mind your signature’s desired function. 

    Then, once you’ve come up with a design you’re happy with, it’s time to create a polished version of your signature that you can use going forward.

    If you are not able to come up with a suitable design, however, don’t despair! You can always ask a professional signature designer — such as those on Artlogo’s team — to create your handwritten signature for you. 

    A handwritten signature created by professional calligraphers for you


    Examples of Great Signature Designs

    But you may be wondering, “How can I come up with good signature design ideas for my name?”. 

    One of the best ways to brainstorm is to look at other great signatures for inspiration. By just typing “signature design png” into your favorite search engine, you can see endless examples of great designs in a matter of moments.

    Below, we’ve brought together the signatures of ten household names in various industries and see if we can find out more about them.

    Steven Jobs

    Considered a pioneer in the field of developing personal computers, Steve Jobs is an icon whose name lives on even today. His signature is in lowercase and has an angle which helped us infer that he was a very ambitious man.

    Considered a pioneer in the field of developing personal computers, Steve Jobs is an icon whose name lives on even today. His signature is in lowercase and has an angle which helped us infer that he was a very ambitious man.

    J K Rowling

    J K Rowling, the creator of the Harry Potter series, captured the attention of readers and audiences worldwide through her unique and out-of-this-world stories. No wonder her signature is very unconventional, proving that she’s not afraid to let her conviction show.

    J K Rowling, the creator of the Harry Potter series, captured the attention of readers and audiences worldwide through her unique and out-of-this-world stories. No wonder her signature is very unconventional, proving that she’s not afraid to let her conviction show.

    Pablo Picasso

    During a significant portion of the 20th century, Pablo Picasso was one of the most influential artists through his work in various styles of art, including cubism, symbolism, and surrealism. The signature being underlined shows he needs to be noticed, which makes sense because he is an artist. The unconventional way he does this also shows that he’s creative.

    During a significant portion of the 20th century, Pablo Picasso was one of the most influential artists through his work in various styles of art, including cubism, symbolism, and surrealism. The signature being underlined shows he needs to be noticed, which makes sense because he is an artist. The unconventional way he does this also shows that he’s creative.

    Barack Obama

    Barack Obama is a generally beloved political figure, most known for being the first black president of the United States. The former president’s signature shows that he is an easygoing and relaxed individual. The big capital letters show his confidence in himself.

    Barack Obama is a generally beloved political figure, most known for being the first black president of the United States. The former president’s signature shows that he is an easygoing and relaxed individual. The big capital letters show his confidence in himself.

    Charlie Chaplin

    An icon of the silent movie era, Charlie Chaplin’s legacy as a comedian is still remembered today. His signature is quite illegible, which shows his creativity and his need not to follow the masses.

    An icon of the silent movie era, Charlie Chaplin’s legacy as a comedian is still remembered today. His signature is quite illegible, which shows his creativity and his need not to follow the masses.

    Elvis Presley

    Elvis Presley is known as the King of Rock and Roll and is famous for rolling out iconic performances during his life. The use of large letters in his signature shows that he’s very proud of himself and his individual achievements.

    Elvis Presley is known as the King of Rock and Roll and is famous for rolling out iconic performances during his life. The use of large letters in his signature shows that he’s very proud of himself and his individual achievements.

    Larry Page

    If you use Google to look up anything, you have its creator, Larry Page, to thank. His signature shows that he is self-assured and appreciates his own space by the way his first and last names are spread apart.

    If you use Google to look up anything, you have its creator, Larry Page, to thank. His signature shows that he is self-assured and appreciates his own space by the way his first and last names are spread apart.

    Bill Gates

    Bill Gates is the co-founder of Microsoft. But more than that, he’s become the face of philanthropy throughout his life. His clearly written signature shows that he is set on his goals and is down to earth. This is common with entrepreneurs.

    Bill Gates is the co-founder of Microsoft. But more than that, he’s become the face of philanthropy throughout his life. His clearly written signature shows that he is set on his goals and is down to earth. This is common with entrepreneurs.

    Meg Whitman

    Like many entrepreneurs before her, Meg’s first name can be read clearly, while her last name is somewhat illegible. This shows that she’s very passionate about her individual accomplishments. And who wouldn’t be? Whitman has a stellar track record both in business and public service.

    Like many entrepreneurs before her, Meg’s first name can be read clearly, while her last name is somewhat illegible. This shows that she’s very passionate about her individual accomplishments. And who wouldn’t be? Whitman has a stellar track record both in business and public service.

    Walt Disney

    Walt Disney and the magical world he created for generations need no introduction. And as you'll see, even his signature is reminiscent of what he created. The curly, cursive lines are proof of a high level of artistry and imagination. It's almost as if in every stroke, there's an idea about to burst out!

    Walt Disney and the magical world he created for generations need no introduction. And as you'll see, even his signature is reminiscent of what he created. The curly, cursive lines are proof of a high level of artistry and imagination. It's almost as if in every stroke, there's an idea about to burst out!

    Here’s what we believe at Artlogo: there’s as much art as there is science behind every signature. That’s why we created our own take on what we think the best signature for each of these celebrities would be:

    Artlogo Samples

    If you’re looking for a personal signature design that’s bound to make a lasting impression on people while conveying your personality and sense of style, why not hire one of our experienced artists? 

    No matter what the purpose behind your signature, our calligraphers will be able to come up with the perfect design, one that encapsulates your character whilst also helping to cement your personal brand.

    We’ll work with you to discover exactly what it is you’re looking for from your custom signature design. Whether you don’t have the first idea about what you want or whether you can picture your design exactly but lack the artistic skills to bring it into being, we can help. If you’d like to find out more, get in touch today to discover all that our signature design service offers.

    FAQ: Signature Design

    What Website Can I Use to Make My Signature?

    There are a number of websites out there that you can use to create a digital signature for free — but with most of them, you have to compromise on quality. Not so with Artlogo! With our digital signature creation tool, you can create your perfect signature design either by writing it digitally, typing it out, and choosing from a range of fonts, or scanning your signature from a piece of paper.

    What Are the Rules for Designing Signatures?

    When designing a signature, a lot depends on exactly what it’s going to be used for. As such, it’s difficult to give any general rules that you should follow when coming up with your creation. 

    With that being said, however, a good rule of thumb is always to approach signature design with a clear goal in mind. Decide what your signature will be used for and what exactly you want it to convey before putting pen to paper.

    Should a Signature Be Simple?

    Whether or not your signature is simple depends on your personal taste, as well as how the signature will be deployed. For example, a fashion designer might come up with a flamboyant signature to use for their brand logo, whereas an accountant might adopt a fairly simple, streamlined design for their business card. The complexity of your signature should also be something you take into consideration if you’re worried about forgery.

    Can I Just Write My First Name as a Signature?

    So long as you can reproduce it fairly consistently, it does not matter from a legal perspective whether or not you use your first name alone as your signature. With that being said, you may wish to avoid this depending on the context in which your signature is to be used. 

    For example, if you are using your signature in business or to sign important legal documents, you may wish to use either initials or your full name, as this is generally seen as more formal.

    Does Your Signature Have to Have Your Last Name?

    Your signature does not have to have your last name, though you may feel it is more appropriate to include it if you’re using your signature will be used to sign documents or business correspondence. When using your signature as a logo, it’s perfectly acceptable just to use your first name in the design and to leave out your surname.

    Can My Signature Be My Initials?

    If you’d prefer just to include your initials in your signature, that is more than okay! In fact, in formal contexts, some people prefer this type of design. Ultimately, whether you use your full name, just one of your names, or just your initials, is entirely up to you and your personal preferences. 

    Can a Signature Be Typed?

    A signature certainly can be typed. Indeed, in this day and age, many people find themselves signing digital documents more than paper ones. Typed signatures are legally binding in exactly the same way that physical signatures are. And with a wide array of fonts to choose from, there’s no reason why you can’t design a typed signature that perfectly suits your personality and aesthetic preferences!

    What Should You Avoid in a Signature?

    When creating a signature, you should carefully consider the context in which it will be used when thinking about what to avoid. For example, if you are creating a signature for a formal setting, you may not wish to design one that’s overly flowery or embellished. 

    If you’re making a signature for private use, like for signing a card, and are concerned about forgery, here’s a tip: try to create a design that you will be able to recreate fairly consistently, but avoid making it overly simplistic, as that will make it easy to forge.

    What Makes a Signature Invalid?

    In graphic design, there is no such thing as an invalid signature — but when it comes to signing legal documents, there are a few rules you should be aware of. 

    For example, you should try to make sure your signature remains fairly consistent; it doesn’t necessarily have to be an exact copy of your signature, but it should be recognizably yours. Another thing to keep in mind is that you will often be restricted in terms of what color ink you can use. Usually, you can choose either blue or black.

    Which Type of Signature Style Is Best?

    There is no straightforward answer to this question. That’s because the so-called “best” signature style for you will depend on what you are using the signature for, as well as what you want to convey through it. The only way for you to determine which signature style you should use is to carefully consider these factors when putting together your design.

    Article written by

    Cynthia Post, Marketing and Branding Expert


    Cynthia is a seasoned marketing professional with over ten years of management experience in the top tier global companies of the world. She’s been helping companies to thrive and grow their sales throuhgout her career after graduating from еру London School of Economics with honors. Branding, which includes both marketing and design, is her biggest passion that has been keeping her in the 5am club over the last 7 years. She is very focused on detail, new solutions and industry trends.

    Get a multipurpose signature logo to represent you

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    Every person signs a large number of documents, send thousands of emails or active in social media during their lifetime. Artlogo's mission is to create your eye-catching signature that makes You and Your name unqiue and helps you stand out.

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