What is a signature maker?​

A signature maker, or online signature creator, is an online signature generator tool that allows you to create handwritten signature online and save it to image format (PNG image with transparency). You can download it immediately and use your digital signature for signing PDF, Word documents, and add it to your email apps as an email signature.

Draw Signature

Use your mouse or touch-pad to create your handwritten signature

Draw Your Signature

Type Signature

Type your name, choose a font and create a signature online easily

Type Your Signature

Scan Signature

Draw your original signature on paper, photo or scan the image, upload it and generate your signature

Scan Your Signature

Create Your Professional Signature

Order your individual and unique signature from our professional calligraphers and get several options to choose and the learning package to help you master new signature within 15 minutes.

Create Your Signature

Create Your Professional Signature

Order your individual and unique signature from our professional calligraphers and get several options to choose and the learning package to help you master new signature within 15 minutes.

Create Your Signature

Signatures made by Artlogo, inspired by you and your business

Improve Your Signature

Create a Digital Signature Online Easily

Simply use your mouse, mouse pad, digital pen, or touch screen to draw your signature on a computer, tablet, or mobile device. Try to create a bigger signature than you normally would. It will make the digital signature cleaner and clearer. You’ll be able to resize it later to any desired size to fit documents, emails, social profiles, etc. Then download it as a PNG file with transparency using "Download Signature" button. If you decide to try professional calligraphy service use Artlogo and "Order My Artlogo" button.

Free Handwritten Signature Generator

So, I Can Just Type Out My Electronic Signature? That's right! Just type your name into our online handwritten signature generator, choose a pen color, and select the font that you feel best suits your personality and brand. Your electronic signature will then be ready to download and use. Our online handwritten signature generator can be accessed from your computer, tablet, or mobile device, so you can come up with your design on the go!

Create a Digital Signature and Sign Legal Documents

With a digital signature, you can sign documents quickly and with ease. Artlogo's signature scanner and signature background remover works on any computer, tablet, or mobile device, meaning you can even create your design while on the go. Take a white paper, pen and make your real signature. You can make a few tries and photo the one you like more. Upload signature photo to our signature scanning tool to detect you signature and remove the background from signature photo. When the task is done, all you have to do is add it to any legal documents requiring an electronic signature.

How Artlogo makes your handwritten signature

When you submit your order with details and/or your signature examples, our teams of calligraphers, designers and brand consultants start signature design process. Once the idea of your signature is ready, our top artists start creating it.

Every Artlogo Signature is 100% handwritten and unique.

Your personality based on signature traits that we know

Your signature is much more than meets the eye. It's not only solving the functional tasks like documents signing or email signature. Signature analysis can tell a lot about you and your personality. Here we’ll show the science of signature analytics, explaining how you can analyze someone’s signature and/or use these hints for creating your new one.

Unreadable letters

Clever, mental agility

Easy to read

Transparent, honest

Clear first name, unreadable last name


With underline

Proud, vain

Ends with a flick

Energetic, a go-getter

Upward angle

Ambitious, optimist

Downward angle

Cautious, pessimist


Extroverted, friendly

Just a nickname


Initials only


Bold capitals


No last name

Relaxed, friendly

Large letters

Likes to be the center of attention

Embellished letters

Confident, bold

Create Your Signature


A signature generator is a tool that allows individuals or businesses to create a custom digital signature. This signature can be used to sign documents online, adding a layer of security and professionalism. Many signature generators also include features like font customization or the ability to draw your signature with a mouse or touchscreen. An electronic signature maker is especially useful for signing legal forms, contracts, and agreements quickly and efficiently without the need for paper.

Access the Signature Generator

Choose Signature Creation Method

Most tools offer multiple options:

  • Draw your signature using a mouse, stylus, or touchscreen.
  • Type your name and choose from a variety of fonts to stylize it.
  • Scan and upload an image of your handwritten signature.

Customize Your Signature

  • You can adjust the size, style, and color of the signature to match your preference or branding needs. Some tools also allow you to add initials or symbols.

Save the Signature

  • Once satisfied, save the signature in the preferred format, such as PNG, JPG, or SVG, which can easily be added to documents.

Insert the Signature

  • Upload or open your document in a compatible format (PDF, Word, etc.), and place your saved digital signature in the designated area of the document.

Download or Share the Signed Document

  • After adding your signature, you can download the completed document or share it directly through email or a document management platform.

Yes, your digital signature can be legally binding, depending on the country or region's laws regarding electronic signatures. For example, the ESIGN Act in the U.S. and eIDAS regulations in Europe recognize digital signatures as legally valid if they meet certain security and authentication standards. An online signature creator typically provides the tools needed to comply with these laws, ensuring that your signature is protected and legally enforceable in contracts, agreements, or official documents.

  • Efficiency: Streamlines the signing process by eliminating the need for physical paperwork.
  • Convenience: Allows users to sign documents from anywhere, using any device.
  • Speed: Accelerates document turnaround times, as signatures can be applied instantly.
  • Security: Often includes encryption and authentication features to protect document integrity.
  • Cost-effective: Reduces costs associated with printing, handling, and storing paper documents.
  • Legally binding: Provides legally compliant signatures in many jurisdictions, enhancing the enforceability of electronic documents.
  • Customization: Offers a variety of signature styles and fonts, allowing for personalized signatures.
  • Accessibility: Facilitates easier document signing for people with physical disabilities who may find it difficult to sign on paper.

You can easily create your signature by using Artlogo’s handwritten signature generator tool. Just draw, type, or scan your name, customize the style, and download your unique digital signature. Artlogo also offers custom handwritten signatures, providing a personalized touch for your branding. While the free version lets you create a quick signature, their custom services offer something more distinctive and professional.

Get a multipurpose handwritten signature logo designed by professional calligrapher

900+ Reviews on Trustpilot

Every person signs a large number of documents, send thousands of emails or active in social media during their lifetime. Artlogo's mission is to create your eye-catching signature that makes You and Your name unqiue and helps you stand out.

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