What is a signature maker?​

A signature maker, or online signature creator, is an online signature generator tool that allows you to create handwritten signature online and save it to image format (PNG image with transparency). You can download it immediately and use your digital signature for signing PDF, Word documents, and add it to your email apps as an email signature.

Draw Signature

Use your mouse or touch-pad to create your handwritten signature

Draw Your Signature

Type Signature

Type your name, choose a font and create a signature online easily

Type Your Signature

Scan Signature

Draw your original signature on paper, photo or scan the image, upload it and generate your signature

Scan Your Signature

Create Your Professional Signature

Order your individual and unique signature from our professional calligraphers and get several options to choose and the learning package to help you master new signature within 15 minutes.

Create Your Signature

Create Your Professional Signature

Order your individual and unique signature from our professional calligraphers and get several options to choose and the learning package to help you master new signature within 15 minutes.

Create Your Signature

Signatures made by Artlogo, inspired by you and your business

Improve Your Signature

Create your digital signature for online document signing

Simply use your mouse, mouse pad, digital pen, or touch screen to draw your signature on a computer, tablet, or mobile device. Try to create a bigger signature than you normally would. It will make the digital signature cleaner and clearer. You’ll be able to resize it later to any desired size to fit documents, emails, social profiles, etc. Then download it as a PNG file with transparency using "Download Signature" button. If you decide to try professional calligraphy service use Artlogo and "Order My Artlogo" button.

Free Handwritten Signature Generator

So, I Can Just Type Out My Electronic Signature? That's right! Just type your name into our online handwritten signature generator, choose a pen color, and select the font that you feel best suits your personality and brand. Your electronic signature will then be ready to download and use. Our online handwritten signature generator can be accessed from your computer, tablet, or mobile device, so you can come up with your design on the go!

Create a Digital Signature and Sign Legal Documents

With a digital signature, you can sign documents quickly and with ease. Artlogo's signature scanner and signature background remover works on any computer, tablet, or mobile device, meaning you can even create your design while on the go. Take a white paper, pen and make your real signature. You can make a few tries and photo the one you like more. Upload signature photo to our signature scanning tool to detect you signature and remove the background from signature photo. When the task is done, all you have to do is add it to any legal documents requiring an electronic signature.

How Artlogo makes your handwritten signature

When you submit your order with details and/or your signature examples, our teams of calligraphers, designers and brand consultants start signature design process. Once the idea of your signature is ready, our top artists start creating it.

Every Artlogo Signature is 100% handwritten and unique.

Your personality based on signature traits that we know

Your signature is much more than meets the eye. It's not only solving the functional tasks like documents signing or email signature. Signature analysis can tell a lot about you and your personality. Here we’ll show the science of signature analytics, explaining how you can analyze someone’s signature and/or use these hints for creating your new one.

Unreadable letters

Clever, mental agility

Easy to read

Transparent, honest

Clear first name, unreadable last name


With underline

Proud, vain

Ends with a flick

Energetic, a go-getter

Upward angle

Ambitious, optimist

Downward angle

Cautious, pessimist


Extroverted, friendly

Just a nickname


Initials only


Bold capitals


No last name

Relaxed, friendly

Large letters

Likes to be the center of attention

Embellished letters

Confident, bold

Create Your Signature


A signature generator is a digital tool designed to help users create personalized electronic signatures. These signatures can be used to sign documents electronically, bypassing the need for paper-based signatures. The tool typically offers a variety of styles and fonts, allowing users to customize their signatures to suit their preferences. This technology ensures that signing processes are more efficient, secure, and legally binding in many jurisdictions, facilitating seamless transactions and document verifications in both personal and professional contexts.

To protect your privacy, Artlogo doesn't store any images or information about your signature. Only you will be able to access this data.

  • Efficiency: Streamlines the signing process by eliminating the need for physical paperwork.
  • Convenience: Allows users to sign documents from anywhere, using any device.
  • Speed: Accelerates document turnaround times, as signatures can be applied instantly.
  • Security: Often includes encryption and authentication features to protect document integrity.
  • Cost-effective: Reduces costs associated with printing, handling, and storing paper documents.
  • Legally binding: Provides legally compliant signatures in many jurisdictions, enhancing the enforceability of electronic documents.
  • Customization: Offers a variety of signature styles and fonts, allowing for personalized signatures.
  • Accessibility: Facilitates easier document signing for people with physical disabilities who may find it difficult to sign on paper.

Here’s a simple step-by-step guide on how to use a signature generator:

  1. Select a Signature Generator: Choose an online signature generator that meets your needs, ensuring it offers the required security and customization features.
  2. Enter Your Name: Type or draw your name into the generator. This is often used as the basis for generating signature styles.
  3. Choose a Style: Browse through the available signature styles the generator provides. These can range from cursive to more formal or artistic styles.
  4. Customize Your Signature: Adjust the size, color, and slant of your signature if the tool provides these options. Make sure it suits the formality and context of the documents you intend to sign.
  5. Preview Your Signature: View a preview of the signature to ensure it meets your expectations and looks professional.
  6. Download the Signature: Once satisfied, download the signature file. It might be available in various formats, such as PNG, JPG, or SVG.
  7. Use Your Signature: Incorporate your electronic signature into documents by uploading or dragging it into the document as needed. This can be done using document editing software or through a platform that supports electronic signatures.
  8. Save for Future Use: Optionally, save your signature in a secure location for future use to maintain consistency across your documents.
  • Create a custom signature in minutes
  • No download required
  • Perfect for business, personal, or digital signatures
  • High-quality output
  • Easy to use

Try our signature app now and discover the benefits for yourself. With our app, you can:

  • Create a signature that stands out from the crowd
  • Enhance your personal and professional brand
  • Save time and effort with our easy-to-use interface
  • Access your signature from anywhere, at any time
  • Download your signature in high-resolution, ready to use in any digital format

With just a few simple steps, you can create a custom signature that reflects your personal style and professionalism. Simply draw, type, or scan your signature, and then select from a range of fonts and colors to match your brand or personal aesthetic. In just minutes, you'll have a high-quality, downloadable signature that's perfect for business cards, documents, and digital communications. Our signature app is designed to be easy to use, so you can focus on what matters most - building your brand and connecting with others."

Yes, you can sign a wide range of documents using an e-signature made with a signature generator, including business contracts, sales agreements, lease documents, employee paperwork, and non-disclosure agreements. These electronic signatures are generally recognized as valid and legally binding for most personal and business transactions. However, some documents cannot be signed electronically, such as certain legal documents, including wills, codicils, trust documents, and other types of official court documents. Additionally, the acceptance of electronic signatures can vary by jurisdiction, so it's important to verify whether an e-signature is appropriate for the specific type of document and location in which you are using it.

Yes, you can use this online signature maker for legal documents. Whether you draw or type your signature out, you'll be able to download your signature as an image, which can then be used to sign documents electronically. This digital signature is legally binding in the same way handwritten signatures are.

When it comes to creating a handwritten digital signature, there are several methods for you to choose from:

  • Using a Signature Maker or Signature Generator. This is the easiest option.
  • Using a digital pen to create your signature using Photoshop, Illustrator, or similar software. While you can design a high-quality signature in this way, this method is by far the most difficult.
  • Writing your signature on a piece of paper, then scanning and cropping it using this free tool. You can quickly create a signature this way, but it is the least effective method on this list.
  • Using Artlogo's Handwritten Signature Generator. With this easy-to-use tool, you simply type out your signature, then select your preferred font.
  • Hiring Artlogo's professional signature logo design service. This is the best way of ensuring you have a high-quality, personalized signature that communicates your brand to the viewer.

After creating your e-signature with a signature generator, you can repurpose it for a variety of uses beyond just signing documents. You can add it to your email signature to give your electronic communications a more professional appearance, incorporate it into digital business cards, use it on your website for branding purposes, or include it in digital marketing materials. Additionally, keeping a saved file of your e-signature on your computer or cloud storage allows you to easily access and use it for signing future documents electronically, streamlining your workflow, and maintaining consistency in your professional interactions.

Get a multipurpose handwritten signature logo designed by professional calligrapher

2700+ Reviews by our Clients

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Our 1600+ Reviews on    Artlogo

Every person signs a large number of documents, send thousands of emails or active in social media during their lifetime. Artlogo's mission is to create your eye-catching signature that makes You and Your name unqiue and helps you stand out.

4.8 (Excellent)
Fabien Bonabaud
2 reviews  Location CH
17 hours ago
Well designed signatures and good customer service

I didn’t know what to expect but ArtLogo created an inspiring signature logo for my wine business in a fairly short timeframe, and they were very receptive to my change requests too. The customer service is polite and very responsive. I definitely recommend!

Date of Purchase:  February 04, 2025
Sofie Blanckaert
1 review  Location BE
5 days ago
Perfect service and lovely creators and on time

Artlogo has done a wonderful job designing my signature and inititals for my artbusiness Sofie B. Light Art. As an artist I needed the initials to be printable on a stamp for signing my paintings. The finetuning of the logo was done in 3 attempts as the first design was a bit to overflowing but they got the need for simple, clean and recognisable. My signature logo was perfect after 2 attempts. Good feedback from the Artlogo team at all times. They really implement your feedback. I even asked for a deadline and they made it! The watermarq feature on their site is also a win to use! I highly recommend them! Thank you ARTlogo!

Date of Purchase:  January 29, 2025
Caroline Jensen
1 review  Location SE
Jan 17, 2025
I found "the one"!

I had a fantastic experience creating my signature logo. The communication was very supportive, and I felt very listened to. They also managed to create a logo that truly felt like "the one", which is kind of magic!? It only took two reviews and then we were home. All in all - super professional and super friendly at the same time. Would really recommend this service to anyone looking for a personal logo.

Date of Purchase:  January 15, 2025
Daniel Gimmer
2 reviews  Location US
Jan 24, 2025
Top results and friendly support

Very quick response, high quality results, a friendly contact and the chance to adjust the logo to your needs if needed. I am very pleased with how everything came out - thank you kindly!

Date of Purchase:  Jan 22, 2025
Guy Corl
1 review  Location US
Jan 10, 2025
Unique service, smooth process

I truly appreciate what a unique service Artlogo is providing to those who seek a professional and sleek means to put their work out into the world. The process was easy, price fair, and follow-up outstanding. Do your self a favor and create something that can represent you for many years to come

Date of Purchase:  December 31, 2024
Mr Jason Tey
1 review  Location SG
Jan 14, 2025
I recommend the artistic expressions of Artlogo!

Artlogo has done a magnificent task in helping to bring out the true essence of Techno-Science Design & Engineering. The Head Calligrapher had been very patient with me during the entire design process.
If you are looking at a logo that communicates artistically, the handwritten signature logos from Artlogo is definitely one that is not be be missed.

Date of Purchase:  January 11, 2025
Richard de Kock
3 reviews  Location GB
Jan 5, 2025
Excellent service and signature

I had a very good experience. They are highly professional and I got a really great signature out of the process. When I needed amendments made there were challenges at all, they simply made the changes happily to ensure I was absolutely happy!

Date of Purchase:  December 06, 2024
Elliot Barber
2 reviews  Location GB
Dec 25, 2024
Ordering from Artlogo was the best…

Ordering from Artlogo was the best decision for me and my team. We are a marketing agency of 11 people. We decided to get email signatures for all members. Each member chose their own style and received a unique signature. It was easy to communicate and request a revision (just for a few of the signatures). So, I am happy to recommend Artlogo!

Date of Purchase:  December 20, 2024
Daniel Holden
17 reviews  Location GB
Jan 10, 2025
Impressed at the ease of use

Impressed at the ease of use with the website and the range of options available. My artwork was produced within the given timescales and was spot on first time.

Date of Purchase:  January 09, 2025
Ronnie E.
1 review  Location GB
Dec 17, 2024
I’m a travel journalist and now working…

I’m a travel journalist and now working on my own book and just signed a contact with a publishing agency. I dream big and I’m visualizing myself giving autographs lol. I heard of Artlogo from a friend and decided to give it a go. There are professional artists in their team and they do beautiful handwritten signatures in various calligraphy styles. I wanted something short but artsy and they made a fabulous signature autograph for me. I also bought practice sheets and now it feels like this signature has been mine since I was born. Totally worth the price.

Date of Purchase:  December 05, 2024
Allen K. Mouzon
2 reviews  Location GB
Dec 25, 2024
Recently I purchased a logo with…

Recently I purchased a logo with different add-ons from Artlogo. I personally liked the ordering process, revisions are easy to request. I needed only one minor revision. The result is outstanding and I am using my logo now everywhere. Great job!

Date of Purchase:  December 11, 2024
Janine Shepard
1 review  Location US
Jan 8, 2025
Very responsive

When I asked for modifications to the signature originally created, Artlogo was very responsive and gave me a signature that looked more like my style. I have already used it!

Date of Purchase:  January 02, 2025
Harry Apikian
1 review  Location CA
Dec 20, 2024
It enriches the quality of your presentation

This is the second signature logo I get from Artlogo. I use them to watermark my pictures before posting on the net. It makes your work look professional and more valuable.
I have received many compliments about how beautiful my signature looks.

Date of Purchase:  November 13, 2024
Deborah B.
2 reviews  Location US
Dec 4, 2024
Superior product & service! #BlownAway

I ordered my second logo and Artlogo once again shattered my expectations. Their generosity in time and effort is simply outstanding. Not only do they possess excellent design skills (working with you until you are thrilled with the result), they provide a plethora of files for use in any capacity. I can't imagine a better product or service!

Date of Purchase:  December 02, 2024
Fabio Komlos
1 review  Location US
Jan 11, 2025
Very good customer service with quick…

Very good customer service with quick responses and revisions in a very timely matter. They created a very elegant signature and I am very happy with the outcome.

Date of Purchase:  January 10, 2025
Marcel Eisenwinder
1 review  Location DE
Dec 18, 2024
I am completely satisfied

I am completely satisfied, the process went smoothly, a signature exactly as I imagined it and my individual wishes were taken into account. I can only recommend it. Thank you very much again. Until the next order

Date of Purchase:  December 16, 2024
Ben Wheeler
1 review  Location US
Dec 13, 2024
I recently started my own beauty studio…

I recently started my own beauty studio and needed a logo that stands out. Artlogo made a beautiful logo for me. The first try wasn’t exactly what I needed and they did edits absolutely for free. It also included a custom drawing which I loved soo much. 100% recommend.

Date of Purchase:  December 03, 2024
4 reviews  Location GB
Nov 20, 2024

Sometimes it feels like customer service and a personal touch is a dying art in businesses, but not with Artlogo! I have been impressed with their work and customer service since I started using them. They brought my signature logo to life reflecting my brand identity perfectly! Their swift responses and willingness to help with my questions has been standout impressive! Don't hesitate to go to Artlogo, you will be impressed too!

Date of Purchase:  November 19, 2024
Peter Thorpe
16 reviews  Location AE
Dec 5, 2024
1st class

I was sceptical to order, but took the plunge. I have to say the communication has been great. The signature produced was first class, so much so I'm now going to order several other add ons that they offer. I can not fault the service given to myself

Date of Purchase:  November 28, 2024
James M. Cordiero
9 reviews  Location US
Updated Dec 19, 2024

Everyone knows that ordering online can sometimes be challenging at best... Sam and Tracy from "Artlogo" have been excellent. They made adjustments three times for me.
I can't thank them enough for their fast responses to every email. It's one of the best companies I've ever dealt with.
Chatham, MA

Date of Purchase:  December 05, 2024

What do our clients say about Artlogo